Thursday, November 15, 2012

"The Past, the Present and the Future Are Really One: They Are Today"

The Owl's Cry
By Lydia Baker

I'm a person of question 
But question me not
I don't know where I'm going 
But I know what I've got

Who are you? Where are you going?
Where this road is taking me?
I don't know

New space, no time
New friends, everything's fine
But I was questioned, I was challenged 
Everything was falling out of balance
I know where I stand 
And I know who I am, maybe not

Who are you? Where are you going?
Where this road is taking me?
I don't know

I'll find my way, some day
On the road I was a meant to take
Cause even if I don't, God knows

Who I am, where I'm going
Where this road is taking me
even if I don't

Now when I first started this project, I thought I knew exactly how it was going to turn out. But just like my journey here, it morphed. I've always been a person that appears to have everything together and succeed in anything that I attempted. Unfortunately, I am not. 
The first verse describes who I was before I came to college. I love being curious and asking people about things, but when someone questions the things that I do in a negative attitude, my defenses automatically go up. I have always been confident in what I chase after, but during the chase, the doubt creeps in. The second verse simply talks about coming to college and the experiences I have had. I'm still a confident in where I stand in my morals and beliefs, but while at college, I have gone through some situations that have shaken up what I know to be true. The third verse finally states the ray of hope I will always have in my relationship with the Lord. Our relationship has grown even stronger than I realized it could be. I know that my future right now may seem really unsure, but I have no doubt that God knows exactly where I'm heading. 
I don't think I've changed much during my time at college, but I do feel I have undergone some extremely new experiences. Experiences are strange creatures. They either hurt you or help you. If we're all honest here, then I'll be the first to admit I have had a taste of both in the past couple months. Living in a dorm with a bunch girls trying to become women, it can be an extremely interesting, to say the least. 
The chorus is a bunch of questions not because I don't know where I'm going, but because I doubt my abilities. I know God has blessed me with a lot of gifts and I will always want to use them for His glory. Even with this thought in mind, I still don't think I'm "good" enough for others to enjoy my music. The songs as a whole was meant to capture this emotion. 
I still have my dream of hitting the road or simply sitting at someone's bedside and aiding them through their pain. The future is still twinkling bright ahead, untouched, and brand new. All that I can do now is pray, stay in His will and not my own, and wait to answer the owl's cry.